Portal Systems implemented all requirements in 6 months
An experienced NEUMAN ESSER employee, who was very familiar with the functions of the old system, meticulously monitored the progress of the project and ensured that Portal Systems implemented all the functions of the previous system in “Shareflex Quality Documents”. “All this was done in close consultation with the head of our quality management,” adds Kloke. “The two of them managed the project together and brought it to a successful conclusion in various tests and coordination rounds with Portal Systems.” Duration: around 6 months. Thomas Kloke is satisfied that Portal Systems met every single one of the requirements defined by NEUMAN and ESSER.
NEUMAN and ESSER praises goal-oriented collaboration at eye level
The IT manager at NEUMAN ESSER describes the collaboration with Portal Systems as “very fruitful”. Requirements were defined and tests carried out in regular weekly meetings. “Communication was always at eye level. Everything worked very well.” He particularly appreciated the informal atmosphere. “The interaction was very informal – but the focus was always on the goal of implementing the required functions and rolling them out quickly,” says Thomas Kloke, praising the team’s cooperation.
Making documents easy to find: data maintenance is an important task
A particular challenge for NEUMAN and ESSER was to ensure data quality and data maintenance in order to make optimal use of the new system. “Of course, this has nothing to do with Portal Systems. But it was important for us to label the documents in such a way that we could find them again later.”
Shareflex Quality Documents more intuitive than the legacy system
Shareflex Quality Documents has been in use at NEUMAN and ESSER for six months. “The system is easier for users to operate,” says Kloke, citing a key advantage, and explains: “It is simply more intuitive, the training effort is lower and there are significantly fewer queries than with the old system. Especially from employees who use the software less often because it is very Microsoft-heavy – and people know that.”
High level of acceptance worldwide promotes active work with the DMS
The individual benefit for the IT manager at NEUMAN and ESSER is that he was able to solve his company’s technical problem resulting from the cloud strategy with “Shareflex Quality Documents”. “That’s how I see it from my IT point of view.” There are, of course, other benefits to the solution, such as the “user-friendliness” that benefits the entire company worldwide. “You have to look at it this way,” says Kloke, “that from Germany to Thailand to China, there is a higher level of acceptance due to the ease of use, and therefore the system is used more actively.”