Partner search: Into the cloud with Portal Systems
The search eventually led them to software provider Portal Systems. The company met all the requirements that Business Systemhaus AG was looking for in a potential partner. Above all, there was one thing that was particularly important: the new partner had to have a similar product portfolio to the one that Business Systemhaus AG had built up itself as an on-premises variant. And Portal Systems was a perfect fit: “As project planners, we were clear that we wanted to enter the new world of the cloud without having to develop anything ourselves,” says Kronenberger. “We needed a partner who could take over 100 per cent of this development as a manufacturer.” What’s more, “Portal Systems has the same DNA as we do. We always want to work together as equal partners, because we don’t want to be just a service provider.”
Business Systemhaus AG looks for real partnership instead of licence business
“What was particularly important to us, in addition to a high-quality product, was mutual support in generating solutions,” emphasises Sebastian Kronenberger. “What we didn’t want was a supplier who said: ‘Our product is the way it is – and that’s it’.” It was about real partnership – not just licensing. In total, Business Systemhaus AG has more than 100 partnerships. “However, the core partnerships are limited to about 10 to 15,” says Kronenberger, “where we really work closely together, and Portal Systems is one of them.”
Working methods and basic principles go well together
Before the partnership was sealed, a number of meetings were held at BSH AG. “We got to know each other and our respective working methods and found that they went well together,” says the BSH board member, describing the early stages. “We realised that we worked in the same way and had the same basic principles.” The meetings were followed by the first contract negotiations, which “didn’t take very long”, says Kronenberger.
BSH is not obliged to meet any sales targets
Aspects such as data protection, principles for mutual procurement, obligations, contract duration and modalities, mutual benefits and related monetary agreements are important in these contracts, which govern a partnership. In the past, Kronenberger adds, such contracts included binding sales targets. This meant that a certain number of a product had to be sold each month. The BSH board member emphasises: “This is not the case here – and nowadays, such practices are no longer the norm.”
Intensive contact, including meetings with Portal Systems
Contact with Portal Systems is intensive and takes place in a variety of ways. “Through teams, of course,” says Kronenberger, giving an example, “but also by telephone, in an uncomplicated and direct way. We meet officially twice a year to discuss what’s coming up, what the challenges are and how we can tackle them together.”
BSH AG does everything itself: sales, consulting, development
For its day-to-day business, BSH requires nothing more from Portal Systems than “the licence and access to the Shareflex online software itself,” explains Sebastian Kronenberger. “Apart from that, we do everything ourselves: we sell it, we advise, we develop it further and customise it if necessary,” he lists. “In the meantime, we have even set up our own reclamation module, ‘Claims Management’, in coordination with the Shareflex products.”
Cooperation with Portal Systems is friendly and close
Sebastian Kronenberger describes the cooperation with Portal Systems as exemplary, intensive and friendly. “If we have a problem, we can communicate openly and quickly make an appointment to work on it,” he says. This may involve technical problems, such as a malfunctioning file transfer between Business Central and Shareflex Documents.
BSH always has a hotline to its partner
“If, for example, a customer calls us with a technical problem that we can’t solve immediately because we don’t know enough about it, we always have a hotline to Portal Systems. They work very closely together – even late into the night if necessary.” Kronenberger emphasises that the support is simply incredibly good.