Agenda | Portal Systems Dialogue 2018
11:00 – 12:00 Reception, registration & partner exhibition (plus soup + canapés)
12:00 – 12:45 Keynote – The Future of Collaboration: SharePoint, Teams & Microsoft 365
Wolfgang Miedl | Founder & CEO | – How are SharePoint and Office 365 being used today? What are users’ expectations? And what strategies does Microsoft pursue? The latest SharePoint and Office 365 user study provides answers to these questions and more. Wolfgang Miedl, co-author of the study, exclusively presents the key findings. He also reports first-hand from Ignite 2018 in Orlando, Florida. Based on the findings and trends presented there, he will conclude with the question of what opportunities and challenges the new tools and applications (not only) in the cloud hold for users and companies.
12:45 – 13:00 Coffee & Dialogue
13:00 – 13:45 Parallel Session I
1.1 What’s new: Shareflex – Johannes Iwer | Partner Manager | Portal Systems
A lot has happened in the last 12 months: The Workflow Designer has been successfully launched. The new version of Shareflex Permissions is live. And there are a number of new features for the Shareflex Solutions. Johannes Iwer summarises these and other developments of the past year for you.
1.2 Meet the experts | Shareflex Outlook by yourMail – Danny Reimer | Founder & CEO | yourTime Solutions
Shareflex Contract meets Outlook. Danny Reimer will show you how you can use Shareflex Outlook to file and process contracts directly from Outlook in an efficient and time-saving way in Shareflex Contract. In addition, a very special highlight awaits you: Experience exclusively the premiere of the upcoming integration of Microsoft Teams in Shareflex Outlook!
13:45 – 14:00 Coffee & Dialogue
14:00 – 14:45 Parallel Session II – Cloud
2.1 Shareflex Online for Office 365 – Marcel Meier | Shareflex Product Manager | Portal Systems
We bring Shareflex to the cloud. But what is the difference between SharePoint On-Premises and SharePoint Online? And what is the added value of Office 365 as a platform for business processes and business applications? Marcel Meier will answer these questions and more in this session.
2.2 Meet the experts | Workflow design with Shareflex Flow – Erik Neumann | Senior SharePoint Professional | Portal Systems
Shareflex Flow is perfect for automating business processes where employees and colleagues need to be efficiently involved. Erik Neumann will show you a practical example of how business travel requests can be optimised and automated with Shareflex Flow.
14:45 – 15:00 Coffee & Dialogue
15:00 – 15:45 Session III – Best Practice
Best Practice Shareflex Platform (customer report) – Andreas Punsmann | Manager Application Management, Information Technology Management, Components Technology | thyssenkrupp AG
Shareflex is a core component of thyssenkrupp’s SharePoint strategy. On the one hand, the company relies on product solutions such as Shareflex Quality Documents or Shareflex Quality Audit, which has been specially optimised for the automotive sector. However, individual solutions are also regularly created with the help of the Shareflex Platform. For example, an own DMS or various process workflows. Andreas Punsmann accompanies these projects from the very beginning and will give you an exciting insight into the different application areas of Shareflex at thyssenkrupp.
15:45 – 16:15 Status Quo & Future – Frank von Orlikowski | Managing Director | Portal Systems
16:15 – 17:00 Partner exhibition
17:00 – 20:00 After Work Dialogue – Hofbräuhaus, Speersort
Parallel all-day at the Portal Systems stand:
SP PROV goes – Shareflex VSC comes! – Holger Geister | Solution Designer | Portal Systems
Visual Studio Code is becoming more and more popular among SharePoint developers and SharePoint professionals. This was one of the reasons for the discontinuation of our SharePoint Provisioning Workbench. Experience the future of Shareflex application configuration with Shareflex VSC (Visual Studio Code Extensions) live for the first time!